Monday 28 March 2016

GK update 28th March 2016

Ques. Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment' report is given by-
Ans. United Nations Environment Programme

Ques. According to BMI Research, growth of Indian Economy for the year 2016-17 is-
Ans. 7.2 %

Ques. Which country has launched its first cyber security public organization aimed at better safeguarding national cyber security and guiding internet companies in performing their duties?
Ans. China

Ques. Recently Union Health Minister JP Nadda launched Rota Virus vaccine free of cost in which city?
Ans. Bhubaneswar

Ques. Recently which country's first modern stock exchange, Yangon Stock Exchange was officially opened for trading?
Ans. Myanmar

Ques. Recently former MP Lal Muni Chaubey died due to prolonged illness in New Delhi. He belongs to which party?
Ans. BJP

Ques. Scientists working on NASA’s Cassini mission have identified the highest point on Saturn’s largest moon Titan. Titan’s tallest peak is ____ meter high.
Ans. 3,337

Ques. Northwest China's Qinghai Province has issued a regulation on protection of which remote nature reserve?

Ans. HohXil

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