Thursday 26 November 2015

Banking Awareness 26 November 2015

Q.1. Consumption loan above under priority sector can be granted to
a) Rural artisans
b) Small/Marginal farmers
c) Landless labourers
d) All
e) None

Q.2. Savings bank accounts are generally opened by
a) firms
b) companies
c) association of persons
d) individuals
e) none of these

Q.3. Which of the following products launched by most of the banks help farmers in getting instant credit for various agricultural purposes?a) Kisan credit card
b) Personal loan
c) Business loan
d) ATM card
e) None of these

Q.4. What do you mean by “C” in the term called as FMCG?
a) Customer
b) consumer
c) creditor
d) country
e) none of the above

Q.5. ________ is the organization that maintains the borrower’s history in India.
d) RBI

Q.6. As RBI said, additional CET1 requirement as a percentage of Risk Weighted Assets (RWAs) for SBI is 0.6 percent and that of ICICI Bank is ........
a) 0.2 percent
b) 0.6 percent
c) 1.2 percent
d) 0.8 percent
e) 2.2 percent

Q.7. The currency notes issued by Reserve Bank of India are under the signature of _____?
a) President of India
b) Dy. Governor
c) Governor
d) Secretary, Finance Ministry
e) None of the above

Q.8. What are the benefits of Core Banking solutions?
a) Benefit of not carrying the cash from one place to another
b) Depositing money anywhere in the country where the bank is present
c) Instant updating of the accounts
d) All of the above
e) none of the above

Q.9. Purchasing the securities at one market and selling the same securities at another market simultaneously is termed as:

a) Arbitrage;
b) forfaiting;
c) spread;
d) factoring;
e) advancing

Q. 10. RBI was nationalized in the year
a) 1949
b) 1952
c) 1955
d) 1964
e) 1978


Q.1. d) All
Q.2. d) individuals
Q.3. a) Kisan credit card
Q.4. b) consumer
Q.5. b) CIBIL
Q.6. a) 0.2 percent
Q.7. c) Governor
Q.8. d) All of the above
Q.9. a) Arbitrage
Q.10. (a) 1949

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