Tuesday 24 November 2015

Computer Knowledge Update 24/11/2015

Q.1. Computer networks _________.
a) Allow people to share hardware resources
b) Make it easier for people to share data
c) Support collaboration through tools, such as email and instant messaging
d) A group of two or more computing devices connected via a form of communications technology.
e) All of the above

Q.2. HTTP Stands for ______
a) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
b) Hyper Transfer Text Package
c) Hyper Transfer Text Protocol
d) Hyper Text Transfer Package
e) Hyper Test Transmit Package

Q.3. Which of the following is not an antivirus program?
a) AVG Antivirus
b) Elk Cloner
c) McAfee Virus Scan
d) Kaspersky Antivirus

Q.4. Which of the following device is a volatile storage?
a) RAM
b) Hard Disc
c) Magnetic Tape
d) Floppy Disc
e) ROM

Q.5. A set of parallel wires that carries digital signals among a computer’s components is called a(n):
a) Peripheral
b) Port
c) Bus
d) Medium
e) Hub

Q.6. Macros are_______.
a) Small programs created in MS-Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA
b) Small add-on programs that are installed afterwards if you need them
c) Programming language that you can use to customize MS-Word
d) Large tools in Word such as mail merge
e) None of these

Q.7. One limitation of antivirus programs is that they ______.
a) Sometimes start behaving like viruses.
b) are very expensive
c) harm the computer
d) can detect only those viruses for which they are programmed
e) Sometimes destroy important documents

Q.8. What do you mean by vertical separation between columns?
a) Orientation
b) Gutter
c) Margin
d) Index
e) Vertical

Q.9. Peripheral devices such as printers and plotters are considered to be____
a) hardware
b) software
c) data
d) information
e) both 1 and 2

Q.10. Firewall ________.
a) amplifies weak outgoing signals to stronger ones.
b) is the name of an open source browser
c) prevents intruders from accessing your system.
d) is the name of a computer virus.
e) Is the name of a networking topology


Q.1. e) All of the above
Q.2. a) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Q.3. b) Elk Cloner
Q.4. a) RAM
Q.5. c) Bus
Q.6. a) Small programs created in MS-Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA
Q.7. d) can detect only those viruses for which they are programmed
Q.8. c) Margin
Q.9. a) hardware
Q.10. c) prevents intruders from accessing your system

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