Tuesday 3 November 2015

Computer Knowledge Update 03/11/2015

Q.1. Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?
a) A1
b) $A$1
c) ! A!!
d) #a#1
e) #a1#

Q.2. A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify a name for future reference. Which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks?
a) To mark the ending of a page of document
b) To quickly jump to a specific location in the document
c) To add hyperlinks in a web page
d) To add address in a web page
e) To mark the top of a page of document

Q.3. How many ways you can save a document?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 1
e) 5

Q.4. Microsoft Office includes Excel, PowerPoint, and what other program?
a) Notepad
b) WordPad
c) Word
d) Pages
e) Paint

Q.5. The _____ of a system includes the programs or instructions.
a) Hardware
b) Icon
c) Information
d) Software
e) Peripheral 

Q.6. Which error detection method uses one's complement arithmetic?
a) Simply parity check 
b) Checksum 
c) Two-dimensional parity check  
d) CRC 
e) None of these 

Q.7. All of the following are included in removable media except ......
a) CD-ROMs
b) Diskette
c) DVDs
d) Hard Disk Drive
e) None

Q.8. The ......... primarily take(s) care of the behind-the series details and manage(s) the hardware.
a) operating system
b) application software
c) peripheral devices
d) hard disk
e) None of these

Q.9. What is the default left margin in Word 2003 document?
a) 1" 
b) 25" 
c) 5" 
d) 2" 
e) None of these 

Q.10. An applet ________
a) is an interpreted program that runs on the client 
b) tracks the number of visitors to a Website 
c) is a compiled program that usually runs on the client 
d) collects data from visitors to a Website 
e) None of these


Q.1. b) $A$1
Q.2. b) To quickly jump to a specific location in the document
Q.3. a) 3
Q.4. c) Word
Q.5. d) Software
Q.6. b) Checksum 
Q.7. d) Hard Disk Drive
Q.8. a) operating system
Q.9. a) 1" 
Q.10. c) is a compiled program that usually runs on the client 

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